Friday, November 15, 2013

QR Scavenger Hunt in 10 Minutes

Lately it seems as though QR scavenger hunts in DPS 61 have been catching on like wild fire! 

 (QR Newspaper Article in DPS61

So easy to set up to get started in your classroom TODAY.. yes, Today, not tomorrow! If you have 10 minutes you can set up a QR scavenger hunt. 

Check out this site: QR Scavenger Hunt 

You literally type in each question then an * and follow it with the answer. This is the "hook" I use with a lot of teachers. It can be a simple substitution activity (SAMR in 120 seconds) or it can really bump up a few steps with a little thought!

It's pretty incredible how engaged kids become with simply a different format of learning! This picture is a sample of a QR math scavenger hunt. The kids are scanning to different basic addition problems to practice fluency. They have an answer sheet where they are marking their answers and a time limit. They are trying to solve as many math problems as possible before the timer goes off. Take this one step further (even though there are MANY additional steps after this one you can take) and color-code the paper you print the QRs on. So, your "green" QRs are really simple, low lever problems. Your "yellow" QRs are on level problems, and your "purple" QRs are above level problems. Now, assign students to a color or have them complete each level before moving to the next... You've just differentiated your instruction. 

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